Bessingby Park B.C Events
Have you ever thought, "I fancy having a go at bowls"? Then now is your chance !!
Come along for a roll up. If you need any help we have fully qualified coaches to assist.
We start at approx 2.00 pm Tuesday and Thursdays, please arrive by 1.30 pm. Wednesday evenings from around 6.30pm. All you need are flat soled shoes, a white shirt and grey trousers shorts or skirt. We have spare sets of bowls for you to use if you haven't got your own.
First roll up of 2025 Sunday 28th April (TBC), and then every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon through until the 30th September. Wednesday evenings begin in May. Wednesday times vary according to the time of the year. Check for start time on the scrolling banner on the home page, or by checking our WhatsApp members group
It is a sociable and rewarding game which we are sure you will enjoy. A chance to make new friends.
All ages are welcome.
Social Events 2025 out of season 1.30pm for 2.00pm start
Next social events : 1) WHIST - Thursday 30th January 1.30 for 2.00pm start £5.00 per person 2) BEETLE DRIVE Thursday 13th February 1.30 for 2.00pm start. Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd 3) AGM - Wednesday 12th March 2025, 2.00pm start
We hold social events such as Quizzes, Bingo, Whist, Fish and Chip Suppers, Race Nights, Film Nights and Live Music throughout the year.
We organise a well attended meal at Christmas for members and friends at The Ruislip GAA sports and social club.
A well stocked chilled drinks machine serving both soft, and alcoholic drinks at competitive prices is also available.